By J.P. Bone
Pemberville, Ohio 1910
Emma Smith was a teetotaler. She did not approve of liquor and thought it was God's most useless creation after Adam. Her husband Allen, in contrast, thought liquor served a useful purpose, primarily medicinal, if only properly dispensed. He would soak a string of rock candy in whiskey and suck on the medication whenever he had a cold, declaring its merits as a home remedy. It did not occur to him that his wife took note of how often he was afflicted with colds and flu, not to mention rheumatism and gout, all diseases which he claimed were easily cured with a little rock candy soaked in the proper medication.
Emma and Allen Smith had a son they called Paul. Emma maintained he was named after the Apostle, but Allen, who suggested the name and the pious association, secretly had an old friend in mind the day Paul was born. Though Allen hadn't seen his buddy in many years, he hoped one day they would meet up again. Just the thought brought a smile to his face. "If I ever do meet that rascal again, I better make damn sure I call him by his nickname in front of Emma," Allen thought.
Paul was an average lad; there was nothing remarkable about him except perhaps his ears, which lent him a certain dignity, giving him the appearance of a trophy. Paul was aware of his mother's views regarding alcohol having heard them recited in bits and pieces and on a daily basis over the span of his ten years on the planet. He was also aware of his father's attempts to circumvent such opinions while avoiding a direct confrontation.
Though just a child, Paul knew the Smith men--his daddy included--would never dare directly confront their wives. From birth all seemed to instinctively know women were superior to men, which in the case of the Smiths wasn't saying much. The truth is the Smith men had the character and moral fiber of an old wet dog looking for a bone.
Emma Smith used to say "Help me JESUS but the Smith men are living PROOF men descended from the apes!" Despite repeated efforts by women to "purify" the Smith men by attempting to breed the devil out of them, after five generations and thirty-two women, the Smith men remained as useless as ever.
Allen and young Paul tested Emma's faith in a way that made Satan optimistic. Poor Emma was convinced that all of her days of labor and sacrifice would be for nothing and that young Paul would grow up to be just like his papa and his papa's papa. That's the way it seemed to her until one day when they had company over for supper...
The whole thing started one winter's day when Paul spent a day in the attic.
Paul played there many an afternoon in the dead of winter when it was too cold outside to ride a sled or throw a snowball at some hapless clerk who happened by. A vast assortment of gadgets and gizmos awaited him up there in the attic; there were chests of clothes and hats and coats, busted lamps and pots and pans, big dusty bottles and broken mirrors. Young Paul and his brother Harry would play for hours on end making forts, inventing fanciful machines and discovering buried treasure.
On one such winter's day, Paul and Harry played just a little longer than they should have. Both felt the unmistakable need to relieve themselves but just did not have the time to run downstairs, across the living room and out the back door through the snow to the outhouse. Paul noticed a big dusty bottle next to a broken mirror and suddenly had the inspiration to fill it up to the brim, seeing as how it was about a cup shy. So he did what he could to right what seemed to be a wrong, filling a void so to speak. Harry, being the younger of the two, did his best to make a contribution. Then Paul carefully stuffed the cork back into the bottle. And just in the nick of time, too, since the two brothers were unexpectedly attacked by a pirate ship.
Paul didn't think much about the bottle after that: It just kinda sat up there in the attic with memories and moths, gathering dust for the longest time like some sort of an Egyptian artifact.
TIME PASSED SLOWLY as it used to back then. Summer came with its long warm days spent fishing in the lake, swimming in the river, chasing dogs and playing baseball. Another winter passed as well. A blizzard rocked Ohio that year, and Paul's Aunt Nell froze to death when her carriage broke down on the way home from church. Still, for the most part, except for school, Paul was pretty much content; he played with his brother and his friends and ate his mother's cookin' and listened to his father's stories. And though from time to time he had to put up with some quarreling--mostly about the Bible and drinkin'--Paul Smith lived a damn good life. He was probably too happy to even realize it. He had enough food in his belly, a warm bed at night and lots of time on his hands.
Then one day Paul's father had an unexpected visitor--an old army buddy he hadn't seen for twenty-some odd years. Allen Smith's long lost pal wore a big furry overcoat, a waxed moustache and a sly grin which seemed to spell trouble to Emma, who looked him up and down like he was a traveling salesman. The reunion called for a celebration, and Allen knew just how to welcome his long lost friend. He scampered up the stairs to the attic and reemerged with a smile and a big bottle of a very special wine he had been saving for just such an occasion.
Young Paul's heart dropped and he felt the temperature in the room soar. He glanced at his brother Harry and right away noticed he was having trouble breathing. They did not know what to do: if they confessed their crimes, most certainly the would get a whippin' from a stick of their pickin', if they remained silent, their dear old dad and his friend would surely discover their mischief and their punishment would be all the greater.
Being Smiths, Paul and his brother were not so much troubled by the moral ramifications of their situation as they were disturbed by the likely practical implications of their predicament. Moreover, they knew if they didn't act quickly, in all likelihood they would be sent to bed, their father telling them the only supper they would receive that night would be the "food for thought" he etched into their backsides.
They did the only thing they could under the circumstances, being Smith men in training: They sheepishly begged a woman for help.
"Ma!" the boys cried, tugging at their mother's apron. Emma watched her husband and his long lost friend wipe the dust off the big old bottle of wine. She shook her head in disgust.
"Ma, please! Don't let Pa drink that wine!" Paul pleaded, still tugging at his mother's apron.
"I can't help it if you're father is weak," Emma said as she tended to some errand which in her mind was far more important than the foolishness of her husband and his "long lost" friend.
"No, Momma, please!" Paul insisted, gripped as he was by fear and trepidation and the prospect of no supper.
Emma, who watched her husband with great attention to detail as he sat at the table and poured two glasses of wine, suddenly sensed that her son--despite his Smithness--might actually have something significant to say.
"What's wrong, son?"
Paul swallowed hard. "It's just that . . ."
Emma's eyes began to glow with anticipation.
"Yes Paul, what IS it?"
Paul clasped his hands behind his back and bowed his head. "It's just that--it's just..." Emma began to tap her right foot as if she was markin' time to a march, and Paul KNEW he had to face the music. "Well…it's just that…well, me and Harry, we peed in that bottle…"
Emma raised her eyebrows, turned and watched as her husband and his friend raised their glasses in the air. "I'd like to propose a toast to my old army buddy Pa… I mean STONEwall," Allen said. Emma stood up straight as if the Lord had called her. "Yes that's right… a toast to my buddy STONEwall. What a guy! It's great to see you again after all these years!"
The two old friends smiled and clinked their glasses together. They looked into each other's eyes and laughed, sharing some secret memory. This aggravated Emma all the more since she KNEW it had to be something EVIL they were remembering. Emma watched as her husband and his long lost friend tilted their glasses back against their lips. Her eyes were burning, though young Paul thought he sensed some pleasure in his mother's otherwise grim expression.
Paul waited for his mother to say something. But she just stood there and nodded her head with satisfaction as her husband and his long lost friend gulped their wine down. Young Paul was properly mortified, which brought his mother untold gratification.
"But Mama!"
"Hush, child!" Emma said, her eyes aglow, bathed in the light of glory. "It serves em right..." And that night it seemed to young Paul that his mother enjoyed the wine more than the menfolk...
Paul could do little else but watch his old man and his long lost friend as they finished off that big old bottle of wine. After they had a couple of drinks, Paul figured his old man was getting kinda confused and possibly even intoxicated since he kept calling Stonewall Paul. But he didn't attach too much importance to such things, though it did seem to agitate his mother.
Well the two men told stories and drank and slapped each other on the back, their discussions lasting late into the night. It seemed to young Paul that on most things, though both men had supposedly been at the same place at the same time, one would have never known it: they didn't agree as to the facts of the stories, the time of day nor even the years that certain events transpired. But there was one subject upon which they happily reached a consensus: both Paul's daddy and his long lost friend Stonewall agreed the bottle of wine they drank that night was the finest either had ever consumed.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
Defending Hillary (and Bill)
By Bob Schildgen
When are the right-wing bloggers and their fans gonna get over the Clintons? They just don't let up spewing out the nastiest hatred of the Clintons and zinging it around cyberspace. Really vicious stuff, a lot of taunts about sex.
Imagine 100 years from now. Alien beings attack Earth, poised to take over the planet. The descendants of these right wing idiots no longer have to use Fox or other such primitive technology to make their deranged attacks, they can actually holler directly into your brain through electrodes embedded there. These sons and daughters of the counter-revolution would scream, "It's the goddam Clintons' fault! That damn Hillary, that brazen crypto-lesbo liberal bitch. She sold us out to these alien beings! She’s Satan’s whore I tell you, she made a pact with the Devil, Bill was her pimp and that’s why we’re being attacked!"
The current day neo-fascists are sexual deviants, that much is obvious. But the latest Clinton bash e-mailed by my favorite right-wing informant is kind of a relief, being about death instead of sex. It's a list of 47 people associated with the Clintons all of whom died by gunshot wound, suicide, stabbing, or in some other violent manner, e.g.,
1-James McDougal - Clinton's convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr's investigation.
2 -Mary Mahoney - A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown. The murder happened just after she was to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.
3- Vince Foster - Former White House councilor, and colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock's Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head, ruled a suicide.
Well, ALMOST all of them. After number 35, who got killed in a "set-up robbery," the compiler runs out of steam, and merely lists a dozen Clinton bodyguards who are dead, without explaining how they checked out. But they are dead, and any dead person who knew the Clintons could've been their victim, or the victim of a friend of Clinton's who the Clintons haven't yet killed but probably will to cover up the earlier hit that they authorized.
The message concludes ominously, in big letters and color, "Pass this on. Let the public become aware of what happens to friends of the Clinton's!
Are you sure YOU'RE safe, or do you qualify as a friend of "the Clinton's." You never know. You might not be safe just declaring your non-friend statues. To keep their hitmen from whacking you, you must go read "Preempting Hillary," my mean-spirited attack on Hillary that details her real crime story--her vote for a pointless, evil, and expensive war that killed over 3,000 U.S. and coalition soldiers and maybe 100,000 ordinary Iraqi men, women, and children. Then forward this piece to everybody you know. That should keep you safe.
Just to put things in perspective, I mentioned this sobering data, and referred him to the article. I also included a list of the first 47 troops killed in Iraq, to drive home the point.
(You can find a complete list of the dead soldiers at But be careful. It can bring you to tears to read through it and see how young most of them and how many came from small towns, and how the only chance they had to see the world was go to boot camp and Iraq.)
Then I got all worried about his security. Since he seems to like war and admires all things military, maybe when he reads this he'll start to love Hillary like a fellow warrior, and turn around and become a FRIEND OF THE CLINTONS and put himself in harm's way. But to my great relief, I realized he'll soon get another right-wing e-mail to set him straight, saying, "Yeah, sure, Hillary's a warrior all right, but she's one of those ancient man-hating lesbo warriors like the Amazons, that ruthless tribe of brassy ballbusters that'd slice off a breast so it wouldn't get in the way when they pulled the arrow to cock the bow"--and he'll be safe and sound, back on the list of non-friends of the Clintons, fuming about self-inflicted mastectomies and heartless feminist agendas.
After putting my mind at ease, I got to poking and pestering some numbers and discovered that the original right-wing Clinton statistic DON'T MEAN JACK DOODLY anyhow if you actually do the math. Every year in the USA there are about 6,000 killed on the job, 16,000 murders, 32,000 suicides, 42,000 car-accident fatalities, and 120,000 deaths from botched surgeries or misuse of medications. That adds up to 216,000 deaths a year that you COULD blame on evil-doers—and that's not even counting assorted suspicious fatalities, like home and playground accidents, unclassified freak accidents, and the fatal results of broken hips, which are always blamed on old age and osteoporosis, etc., when they might emanate from sinister political forces. OK. With a population that averages out to about 250,000,000 over the past 40 years (200 million in 1970 almost 300 million today) that's about one "mysterious" death per year for every 1157 people you know. So if you knew just 1157 folks over a 40-year period YOU TOO could be hooked up to almost 40 "mysterious" deaths! Of course the Clintons know and have known way MORE people than you do (Good Lord, they've probably hugged more babies than your total), so the Clintons' 47 possibly-strange-and mysterious-death-toll is actually WAY LOWER than average, and the REST OF US are the truly murderous ones!!
On top of playing with these numbers, I launched into some gory rememberings: Over the past 40 years, I've known about 20 people who were murdered, and a lot more who committed suicide, so I too could be responsible for whacking even more people than the Clintons. But I swear, I DIDN'T ORDER A SINGLE ONE OF THESE EXECUTIONS! Honest!!! Please, please, please, don't jump to conclusions and spam your e-pals with a report of these crimes!
Oh, I'm not going to send my informant these mathematical items, because they could lure him back to Clinton friendship and possible mysterious death.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Patriotism Betrayed: Reflections of a Military Parent
By Rob Ham
In many ways, my son is the “All American Kid”. He played little league and soccer. He was a Boy Scout and a Sea Scout and, from the time he was small, it was his stated intention to join the military.
He was not seduced by college assistance or any of the other benefits that lure young people into the service. My son simply wanted to serve. It is a sort of tradition in my family. Many of our men served. It started with the Second World War. My fathers and uncles were drafted or joined and served in both major theaters. I had cousins in Viet Nam and another cousin who served in both Gulf Wars. I served too, but not in a very heroic way. I did my bit to stop Soviet expansion by drinking beer and eating schnitzel in Germany for three years.
When my son turned seventeen, he announced that he wanted to enter a National Guard program that allows one to receive basic training between his junior and senior year then complete advanced training after graduation. We talked about this at length, it was post 9/11 and US forces were engaged in Afghanistan and Iraq. I first tried to talk him out of it. I was (and am) very much against the war in Iraq and I knew he would eventually find himself there or in Afghanistan at the very least.
My son does not share my politics and insisted he wanted to do his part. I then tried to talk him into the Navy or Coast Guard; at least it would be safer. He insisted on the Army. He invoked my and my family’s past service and declared that it was his turn.
“So there is a war on” he once said to me, “That’s my hard luck, it’s my turn”.
I signed the consent form with a heavy heart. I could have refused but I was not willing to deny my son something he felt so strongly about and he was very close to his eighteenth birthday anyway when I would be irrelevant, legally speaking. I always told him that I respected his intelligence as well as his devotion to honor so I felt bound to consent. I truly believe that to not do so would have caused irreparable harm to my relationship with him and would not have stopped him from going anyway. He would not be whole unless he served. How could I deny him that?
My son went through his training then graduated high school and went on to his advanced training. He made the decision to join the regular Army and became a medic assigned to the 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum, New York. He left in late January of 2006. My wife drove him to the airport to catch his plane to Fort Drum. On the way they stopped at my job so I could say good-bye. I shook his hand then gave him a hug and off he went. It was all I could do to hold back tears for the remainder of my shift. These were bitter tears indeed. By March, he was in Afghanistan.
When I was in the service I often wondered how my family would have felt if I was serving in Viet Nam or some other war zone. I now know, they would have been worried sick 24-7.
At first it was really hard. I became obsessed with Afghanistan. I read every article and Internet piece I could lay my hands on. I remember the first American killed after my son was “in-country”. It was agony for about a week until my son called home. During that call he told me that the Army shuts down communication with the outside world when a GI is killed so the family doesn’t hear about it on the news. He said that if I heard it on CNN instead of from an immaculately uniformed military chaplain at my door, he was OK.
For my own sanity, I scaled back my Afghan news consumption to what I come across in my normal media intake (which is considerable). I still feel every death in Iraq and Afghanistan (US and non US). Flag draped coffins and those professional photos of resolute looking kids in uniform, with the stars and stripes behind them, that are now dead still tear little bits of my heart out every time. I am appalled at the all the loss of life caused by this criminal enterprise of the Bush administration but I am forced to admit that each death of a US soldier or Marine cuts a little deeper. In the eyes of every photo of killed GIs, I see my son, every day, week after week.
It has been almost a year he has been over there. Right around the holidays (2006) he told us that his deployment would soon be coming to an end. He was going to get 18 months at Fort Drum then off to Iraq. The 82nd Airborne was already arriving to relieve the 10th. He said there was going to be a welcome home ceremony at Drum then he was going to get a pass. My wife and I decided to take some time off, fly back there and see him.
My son gave us the name of the wife of his NCOIC (supervisor) who was a civilian volunteer with the Family Readiness Group, or FRG at Fort Drum. She liaises between the army and the dependant wives in the unit. She is a strong and heroic woman who is raising her three kids alone while her husband is overseas as well holding hands and getting information for lonely and worried army wives. She is vivacious and funny and a real joy to talk to. She would relay the bits of information she could get about the boys’ arrival home. She advised us on lodgings and other travel tips as neither my wife or I had ever been to upstate New York. We had all our reservations and we were ready to go. We were very excited and she was downright giddy.
Then one morning, in late January, there was a message on my phone. In it, our contact asked us to give her a call immediately. It was obvious she was upset. I thought the worst. I thought she was going to tell me something like there had been an ambush and they were all dead. I called her as fast as I could. When she picked up, she was crying.
“You can cancel your trip,” she sobbed. “They have been extended until June”. They had apparently told the troops this the day they were supposed to fly out. I probably knew it before they did.
My heart broke, this strong and charming woman sobbing on the phone because the war had pushed her to the end of her tether. I was angry and sad for my son of course, but he is just a young kid. His home is where he lays his hat. I really grieved for the husbands, wives and kids, for the families that will remain asunder. It’s just so damned unfair. My son called that evening. He was disappointed but philosophical. He is a soldier and he will do his duty wherever it takes him, but that doesn’t help the families.
I hate this war. There are so many good kids over there that need to be here solving our very real problems here at home. I hate the corporate stooges in the government who are perpetuating this war for the greater profit of their Wall Street masters. I am enraged when I think of my son and all the others who serve just to serve and the memory of my father and uncles and cousins who served. I am livid to think of something so honorable as love of country and protection of our homes dragged through the mud in this filthy exercise in mass murder for corporate profit. When I think of the unspeakable things soldiers are asked to do in time of war with the knowledge that this war is only in the interests of a small and elite well moneyed group of parasites at the top of the economic ladder, it instills in me an anger that darkens my soul.
Haliburton, Blackwater, The Carlyle Group, The Saudi Royal Family, The oil companies and others as well as their faithful lap dog the Bush Administration, have made a mockery out of service and selflessness. They have disgraced those that have come before and are not fit to shine the shoes of the kids they are sending to die today. How many ways can we say it? How many ways must we show that the entire country is sick to death of Bush’s’ war? How many more failed policies and ineffective tactics do we have to watch? How many more blood baths do we have to witness in places like Baghdad, Anbar, Falujah and Kandahar? How many more lies? How many more flag draped coffins and pictures of resolute young soldiers now dead? When can I stop looking for the immaculately uniformed military chaplain knocking at my door? When do I get my son back?
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Bush Milks the Surge for All It's Worth
By Bob Schildgen
Surge. Bush. Surge. Bush. Still can't get it off my mind. Is brain surgery indicated? Surge. Bush. Surge Bush. Surge Bush. Like the pumping of a machine. A milking machine.
I previously noted that for me, the word "surge" has some weird connotations when applied to war, because I'm from the Dairy State, Wisconsin, and "Surge" was the brand name of a popular milking machine.
Maybe I'm unpatriotic, but with this history, try as I might, I still can't envision war and khaki tanks and Humvees painted in camo and camo-clad troops when George Bush and other politicians argue that America needs a surge. The closest I get to combat color fashion is the spots on a tan-and-white Guernsey dairy cow, or the desert-sands hues of Brown Swiss or Jersey dairy cows.
Sorry, Commander in Chief. Surge is cowshit, milk, sucking, teats, tails, and weaning, plus pigeon shit, flies, straw, chaff, and other barn-interior features like gutters, stalls, mice, rats, and maggots.
Then there's artificial insemination. The inseminators were called "bull-cheaters," because they came out to the farm with their vials of sperm when a cow is in heat, put on their rubber gloves, and plunged an arm far up the cow's vagina to inspect the interior before depositing genetic material extracted by professional masturbation of a distant pedigreed bull. Hence, bulls that once would have had glorious careers as studs on the farm were cheated. Not only cheated, but the baby bull calf is castrated and ignominiously sold to be raised for hamburger. Instead of a long, proud career servicing his harem, a bull paces around in a feedlot before being shipped to a slaughterhouse at age two. Or, he might have an even short life as veal
My friend Johnny's dad was an early adaptor, too early, as it turned out. He couldn't make it as an inseminator in his part of the state because too many farmers thought this sperm-trafficking business was unnatural or against the Creator's design. I'm not sure it was just the farmers, though, because Johnny's dad was a bit cantankerous--not exactly your shrewdest marketer.
Did I say "professional masturbation?” In a way, that's what's going on in Iraq, isn't it? People who make weapons and sell weapons and profit off war are pleasuring themselves mightily, but not begetting anything productive. Bush is going to ask for $481 BILLION for the next military budget. Adjusted for inflation, that's almost what we were spending in World War II, a much bigger operation. Bush wants to add more for war in Iraq and Afghanistan, which would bring the total for this year alone to $165 BILLION. That's a over 40 times more than what we spend on conventional masturbation aids, provided by the porn industry, which Forbes magazine has estimated grosses about $3.9 billion a year. Millions of Americans pay to masturbate instead of getting paid for it. It's only the select few who get paid to masturbate. But unlike the pedigree bulls, Dick Cheney and his pals don't really appear to be an improvement on the breed.
Castration and hamburger? Short life? There's plenty of that in Iraq, too, and as we well know, it’s not the weapons makers or the politicians, but ordinary people, over 3,100 snuffed out in Iraq and counting.
And how many have been wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan? Well, that depends on how you define "wounded." Up until January 10, the number was a staggering 50,508. Then, it suddenly dropped to 21,649. Was there a huge mistake in the count? Or was there some sort of miracle healing that completely erased the disabling and painful wounds? Nope. The Pentagon decided to redefine "wounded." You see, the 50,508 total included not just soldiers who actually got hit by a bullet or a car bomb combat, but those who suffered injuries in Iraq and Afghanistan. The 28,859 who were injured or went crazy are no longer counted as "wounded." So, if a Humvee flips over and crushes your legs and they get amputated, it's no longer a "wound," but, well, what? Just another workplace accident?
Obviously, the spinners at the Pentagon changed the numbers to make war look less horrid than it is, but what they've really done is insult the boys they tossed into that meat grinder in the first place, because those boys don't really make a big distinction. A missing hand or damaged brain are what they are, regardless of the cause.
A marvelous historical oddity is that a candy company, the Curtis Candy, makers of Baby Ruth, Butterfinger, and other fine products, was a pioneer in the artificial insemination world. Curtis’s founder and president, Otto Schnering, had grown up on a farm and took an interest in cattle breeding. Schnering purchased a large farm in Illinois where he could carry out improvements in the animals, and this king of the bull cheaters was right proud of his work. "Except for television," he told Time magazine in 1949, "artificial breeding is the fastest growing business in the U.S."
One of our premier local inseminators had a Curtis artificial breeding franchise. He was known as "Candy Man." That has to be one of the finest nicknames ever, um, conceived.
The greatest achievement of our bull cheaters and bovine masturbators has been to improve the cows' productivity, which has greatly increased their milk production over the years. The most productive cow in recorded history is Granny, a Holstein from Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, who set the world record for milk production on January 13, 2004, of 441,584 pounds in her long career. I never met Granny, but have a nice Six Degrees of Separation connection to her. One of my high school girl friends is married to the Wisconsin dairy farmer who owned, tended, and milked Granny for all those years.
The Candy Man and his dairy farmers--and Granny herself--are the "real," America: inventive, practical, productive, which is why I keep coming home to its barns and smart milking machines instead of wanting stray off to war and launching smart bombs. Our country is at its best when it avoids bullying other countries, and tinkers and invents and produces. That is our genius, our gift to the world. It's our economic engine, from a better milking machine to the incredible creativity of Silicon Valley. That's why Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson are such a fine models, with their inventions and agricultural innovations. And unlike today's narrow-minded, jingoistic, willfully ignorant, wannabe-cowboy president, they were cosmopolitans who spent a huge amount of time in Europe, learning about the rest of the world rather than shooting at it. How I wish, when today's mini-minded politicians invoke the Founding Fathers, that they had the slightest idea about who these guys really were.
Friday, February 2, 2007
Wonderland City Staff Manual
By Frank Henry
Every wonder why little gets done in most towns? There are rules that govern the operation of City Hall, regulations learned at the university level and beyond...
You don't need a degree to understand them: They are as simple as me, me, me.
Rule One:
No matter what the issue or circumstance, always defend incompetence. Soundly criticize those who point such things out as individuals who are "not team players," "lack patience," "do not understand the system," or "have ulterior motives";
Rule Two:
Stall any measures or proposals you oppose or that may undermine your supreme authority. Schedule a series of meetings and call for in-depth studies; suggest hiring experts and consultants to analyze such proposals, and with an air of professional detachment, recommend consultants with whom you have close personal ties;
Rule Three:
When attempting to derail discussion of an issue or proposal, use key words like "process" and "consensus";
Rule Four:
When forced to do something you do not want to do, don't do it. When asked why the task was not completed, apologize profusely, slap yourself on the side of the face, say you are "a dumbo," that you "totally forgot, boy, I am so sorry." Then suggest the matter be put on the agenda next month;
Rule Five:
When the issue is discussed the following month, present cooked-up contradictory statistics, scratch your head, and warn that the matter may have unintended economic and legal ramifications; assert that after careful study it is clear the item requires more community input than originally thought. Suggest it be thoroughly examined at the next regularly scheduled meeting;
Rule Six:
At the next meeting, place the proposal at the end of a long agenda packed with other controversial items requiring extensive community input;
Rule Seven:
When members of the public come forward with complaints, deny the problems exist or claim it is the first you've heard about them. Ask for proof that the ceiling fell at the community center, that the streets are teaming with rats, that junkies are shooting up in the park, etc.;
Rule Eight:
If citizens offer concrete evidence of problems -- such as dead rats, used syringes -- call the police and have them arrested for disrupting a city meeting. If the protesters are popular figures, or if the audience turns on you, take the lead and immediately demand an investigation. Insist that YOU are going to get to the bottom of the problem, by God. Proclaim with righteous indignation that there be a full airing of the issue at the very next meeting;
Rule Nine:
If at the next meeting there is a large audience demanding action, appoint the most outspoken critic as chair of a task force to conduct an investigation; make sure the committee is packed with bureaucrats and your allies; schedule the meeting of the task force on Super Bowl Sunday, arguing it is a matter that must be addressed immediately;
Rule Ten:
When projects are not completed according to schedule and costs mount as a consequence, blame unforeseeable circumstances; suggest the council place the matter on the next ballot so citizens can exercise their democratic rights and vote for a tax increase;
Rule Eleven:
Keep things below the radar whenever possible; when required to notify the public about something you want to do that the people are against, bury the item in the consent calendar, and write reports and memos that require an attorney to decipher;
Rule Twelve:
When discussing a controversial subject at a meeting, double talk in triple time for as long as possible until you spot yawns in the audience and among council members; then hold opponents to strict times limits so the meeting won't last "all night";
Rule Thirteen:
Whenever possible, write the minutes of important meetings yourself, making certain to leave out points made by others not to your liking;
Rule Fourteen:
If things get very tough, take a medical leave for stress, or an extended vacation. If there is any chance that charges may be filed against you, announce with regret that you must resign citing the need to spend more time with your family.
Thursday, February 1, 2007
A Day at the Russian River
By J. P. Bone
FIFTY-FOUR or more brown pelicans squat on a sand bar where at this time of day the Russian
River and the tides of the Pacific surge east and west. The pelicans have the look of men in suits at a
bar waiting to order a drink, preferably "sex on the beach." They are very cocky, indeed.
Nearby close to 40 sea lions and seals nap at river's edge where foamy waves of the sea roll into the river's mouth, the river dark green, the Pacific swirling indigo and turquoise. In the far distance a curved stretch of blue shines bright on the horizon, saddled by a heavy dark mound of fog that grows lighter as it billows toward the heavens, a wisp at its peak like fresh whipped cream.
Cormorants race across the surface of the sea like bats but in a perfectly straight line. Nearby on the beach rocks are frosted: there are limbs and pieces of marbled elephants, tree trunks washed ashore, bleached white by salt and sun.
A sea lion -- or is it a pelican? repeats the same word over and over again in a voice that sounds like Stephen Hawkins: "Wow." A few drops of rain fall. I'm back after going on a chase to find Loly who wandered off to get a better view of the pelicans and sea lions...
We have wandered over to an area where the river forms a lovely pool ringed on the northwest side by a soft bank, a place where our children used to play when they were kids, running down a tall hill of sand and leaping into the warm water of the river. The hill is smaller now, worn down by time and wind and rain...
Everywhere we go we remember our children. Every landmark, every turn of the beach and bend of the river that remain trips memories –the games they played, the exact words they said, the expressions on their faces, the sparkle in their eyes, questions asked... and we wish so much that they were here.
One hundred feet from the lonely sandy hill where the kids used to play, running down it at full speed then diving into the river (that is to say as close to full speed as they considered safe -- they were always cautious) -- one hundred feet away is a grassy knoll, the point of a penisula, solid land, THE land, shoreline untouched by tides for a hundred years.
Two rusty railroad tracks are suspended in mid-air between the mounds, long parallel iron rails ringing in the wind and from the weight of the steel wheels they once supported . They will not be moved and dutifully await the resurrection of a phantom train buried in a sandy grave in Mendocino.
Facing northeast, following the river with one's eyes, it appears to be low tide, rocks and a fallen uprooted tree in the shallow water, the tree's roots tangled like so many tentacles.
Naturally Loly has wandered out there. She sits on a Loly-sized smooth rock, (a small one) gazing this time at a tiny sandy island in the near distance, the Republic of Pelicans, population 24.
There's a peninsula directly across from the Pelican Republic, two or three wing flaps away, the tip crowded with citizens, one flapping his wings, neck craned in a display of dominance (though he may just need a stretch).
Two seals play in the river, which is what drew Loly's attention, flipping, flapping, noses and heads popping above the surface playfully as they sniff at the air, whiskers and eyes blinking, the seals rolling around, tumbling, creating a black-and-tan with foam at the top.
"It must be nice to be a seal," Loly says, "except when you're near a killer whale. They don't have any predators here," she explains, "except PEE-ple."
A squadron of pelicans arrives in formation, wings arched as they float with confidence across the river.
Three gulls make a sudden run for it, one in the lead, another apparently on the outs, squawking and hurling insults and gull threats.
The seals are not distracted by the dispute. They poke their heads above the surface, smile at each other then disappear -- except their flippers, which slap at the glassy surface, which shatters and rolls into soft balls of foam.
Loly has made a discovery: The sea's tide must be rising. The dry stone spotted sand is slowly but visibly flooded, fingers of the river reaching for the feet of the sandy mound.
We stand and watch in wonder just below the high water mark, our toes planted where there will be two feet of water soon. It is astonishing to see how quickly the tides reclaim dominance over river and land...
Brown pelicans float down from the heavens and settle on the river as it brews. “If only humans could leave nature alone,” Loly says. "The earth is so generous..."
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Preempting Hillary
By Bob Schildgen
Sure, I'll go along with those historians who have declared George W. Bush to be the worst president in our history. They've laid out some pretty persuasive evidence to rank him even lower than that remarkable Trinity of Failures, James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, and Warren G. Harding.
(For more on this dismal topic, see )
But I'm sick and tired of watching Democrats who voted to unleash Bush in Iraq turn around and complain about how badly Bush has "handled" this disastrous war. Before making Bush into a scapegoat they ought to face up to their own responsibility and their own complicity in this war, and acknowledge their own bad judgment.
Instead, they conveniently ignore their role in this violence, or blame faulty intelligence reports, or claim it was an agonizing decision somehow forced on them by circumstances. My own senator Diane Feinstein, for example, sent me a letter in which she offloads her responsibility by saying that "The Senate vote on the resolution to authorize the use of force in Iraq was . . . difficult and consequential." Well, yes, but just because a decision is "difficult and consequential" doesn't justify making the wrong decision.
Feinstein also says that the vote was "based on trust" in the intelligence that was received.
But what was the CONTENT of this intelligence? Certainly the intelligence that was publicly presented was so transparently phony that any halfway informed person would question it. At times it was downright laughable, as with Colin Powell’s talk about aluminum tubes and mysterious trucks in the desert. His statement to the UN that "these are not toothpicks" was so feeble it actually telegraphed that he was not convinced any threat existed. (If not toothpicks, then what? Popsicle sticks? Railroad spikes?) If we always moved on such flimsy excuses, we’d be bombing deserts everywhere from the Mohave to the Kalahari
And if the evidence these war-supporting senators saw was different than the unconvincing nonsense that was publicly presented, we ought to be told exactly what it was that convinced them.
Hillary Clinton's justifications are even shabbier. In an interview with CNN in April 2004 she said: "No, I don't regret giving the president authority because at the time it was in the context of weapons of mass destruction, grave threats to the United States, and clearly, Saddam Hussein had been a real problem for the international community for more than a decade." So she voted to go to war because of a "context"? I'll spare you the invocation of George Orwell and his masterful "Politics and the English Language." Read it if you haven't. Reread it if you have.
But what about that grave overpowering "context." Well, according to Hillary Clinton, it was the very same "context" Bill Clinton had, the difference being that Bill Clinton never demanded an all-out war over a "context."
"The consensus was the same from the Clinton administration to the Bush administration," she said. "It was the same intelligence belief that our allies and friends around the world shared."
So what was the difference? Well, only that Bush "believed" in the "belief" and the "context" more strongly than Bill Clinton. Yes, we went to war because of a belief in a belief. After this revelation, which makes the most loopy fundamentalist a cold rationalist by comparison, Hillary Clinton doesn't just twist the language, she throttles it to death: "But I think that in the case of the [Bush] administration, they really believed it. They really thought they were right, but they didn't let enough sunlight into their thinking process to really have the kind of debate that needs to take place when a serious decision occurs like that."
Oh, so it was Bush who pulled down the shades? Only that Prince of Darkness Bush? But of course, because those bright beams of inquiring thought! Wondrous how they streamed down on Congress, shining in the minds of John Kerry and may other Democrats who vote for war.
Hillary Clinton continued: "You have to have a decision-making process that pushes a lot of information up and asks a lot of hard questions. You don't get that sense from this White House." Yeah right.
This focus on Bush's bad strategies and the tortured explanations of their vote only makes people wonder about the real motives Democrats who voted for war, and raises the question whether they were being opportunistic, trying to convince voters that they were not soft on terrorism or anti-military or weak on national security issues. It makes me want to say, "Come on, cut the crap about intelligence. What were your other motives? Were you listening to your conscience or you focus group? Give us a straight answer, and we might forgive you."
But even if there HAD been incontrovertible evidence that Iraq possessed WMDs, there was still no compelling reason to start a war, not with the following strong arguments against it
1) THE INSPECTION TEAM: the international inspection team was doing its work, finding nothing, and there was no reason not to allow it to continue until it completed its assessment. Hillary Clinton herself had the gall to criticize the Bush administration for not allowing the weapons inspectors "to finish whatever task they could have accomplished to demonstrate one way or the other what was there." She must have profound faith in the America's collective amnesia to call attention to this Bush failure, because the need to let the inspection team finish its job was a major argument against the invasion she voted for.
2) INSTABILITY AND OUTRAGE IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND THE MUSLIM WORLD: Various commentators and observers, especially on the left, warned that attacking Iraq would only provoke increased destabilization, greater hostility to the U.S., and serve as a recruitment tool for terrorists. All this has come to pass.
3) MORAL AND RELIGIOUS OBJECTIONS: Numerous religious authorities from mainstream faiths condemned the invasion as immoral, warning that the argument for a preemptive strike was an invalid application of the just war theory that has been developed over the past thousand years. Secular ethicists raised parallel concerns. Yet Hillary Clinton and the Democrats who voted for war turned a deaf ear to them. They still do not admit to or even address this moral failure, a moral failure that is at the basis of a call for ADMISSION OF GUILT AND PAYMENT OF WAR REPARATIONS.
4) POOR PROSPECTS OF SUCCESS: Both the just war theory and realistic political strategy demand that there be a sound prospect of success before declaring war. Well-informed observers cautioned that victory would be difficult, given the history of Iraq, Iraqis’ suspicion of Americans, and sectarian and ethnic differences within the Iraq.
5) ECONOMIC COSTS: Many commentators also warned that the cost of the war was unjustified, given our own vast domestic needs. Now that we have squandered about $300 billion, it’s clear that these warnings were also correct.
6) GEORGE BUSH’S PSYCHOLOGY AND THE NATURE OF HIS ADMINISTRATION: Many of us have wondered--quite understandably--about George Bush’s sociopathic tendencies. Beyond that is the obvious bellicosity and secretiveness of the administration, especially in relation to oil, as frighteningly evident in Dick Cheney’s refusal to disclose discussions of his energy committee. Handing the power of war to such people was woefully imprudent at best.
Given all these compelling objections to the war on so many levels, it is astounding that anyone voted for it.
Although the Democrats blame the Bush administration for faulty intelligence and incompetent military planning, some of them continue to speak the same language as Bush. They view the “mission” as one that must be carried out in some way or another, while others now advocate abandoning the mission. Largely they consider its problems technical and military, rather than the profoundly moral issues they are. The disturbing Bushspeak in Feinstein's letter could have dripped from the sneering mug of Dick Cheney himself: “I recognize that setting a specific date for withdrawal of all American troops, WITHOUT COMPLETING THIS MISSION, [emphasis mine] carries with it the particular hazard that Iraq would deteriorate into chaos, civil war, and a terrorist state would evolve thereby destabilizing the Middle East.”
The term "terrorist state" is exactly language Bush used to justify the war. It is unlikely that a terrorist state will emerge. It is not even clear if there is such a thing as a"terrorist state"—although some critics label the USA as a terrorist state.
This is why we must move discussion of the war from a merely technical and military level to a moral one. We do not know how much worse an attempt at a "surge" or “completing the mission” might make the situation. It’s not even clear any more what the “mission” is, since the Bush administration has marketed it in so many ways, ranging from the “accomplished” mission of overwhelming bombardment to finding yellow cake uranium and anthrax to capturing Hussein to fighting terrorism to introducing democracy to building good will among Iraqis to stabilizing the Middle East.
The way out, then, is moral, rather than merely tactical, and quite possibly the moral way out is the only reasonable tactic left. This is why I reiterate a plea for ADMISSION OF WRONGDOING AND PAYMENT OF WAR REPARATIONS ON THE CONDITION THAT IRAQIS STOP ATTACKING EACH OTHER. We are more likely to regain the world's respect if we simply admit our horrendous mistakes, ask for forgiveness, and offer substantial reparations as a concrete act of repentance. The victims of our attack might then focus on obtaining compensation rather than on the violence now being unleashed. Repentance and reparation would also signal to the Muslim world that we are embarking on a new path and will be far less likely to engage in military attacks or meddle in their internal affairs. It would blunt the motives for terrorism that have been so intensified by the war. The essentially religious nature of an open and sincere act of repentance and restitution might also open the way for expanding discussions between Christian, Jewish, and Muslim leaders that are already taking place and would surely help ease hostilities. (For my article on the need for war reparations, see chronicle/archive/2005/11/06/EDGGJFJ1VA1.DTL)
Proponents of this war have constantly compared the threat from Iraq with that of Hitler’s Germany, and talked about the lessons of preemption learned from World War II. But in this cloud of false analogy they conveniently ignore the most striking lesson: Germans harbored many deep grievances and fears resulting from the treatment it was given after the First World War. Hitler played on these emotions, teaching the lesson that nothing drives a people to violence more easily than grievances not redressed. Many people in Iraq and the Middle East obviously have profound grievances, and unless we begin to redress them, talk of stability imposed by military force is mere wishful thinking.
The other lesson that can be learned from World War II is that when a nation admits it has done wrong, apologizes, and pays reparations, as Germany and Japan did, it can regain its respect among nations.
Meanwhile, now that Hillary Clinton has announced her candidacy, we must ask for a straight answer to the question: "Would you ever again support a preemptive war?" If she waffles the slightest bit on this question, she must be tossed out of the running, pronto.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
By Rob Ham
When shopping at the local “Big Box” store it is always nice to come across a garment or linen rocking the label “Made In America.”
“At last,” one might think as they purchase the item secure in the knowledge that it was made in a U.S. factory by a U.S. worker making the minimum wage, protected, albeit less and less these days, by U.S. labor laws. For many it gives them a warm and fuzzy feeling knowing they are supporting the economy and doing their bit to keep manufacturing jobs in the good old U.S.A.
After they get through a couple of choruses of “God Bless America,” perhaps they should give this notion some thought: that commodity may have been produced by an indentured Chinese or Bangladeshi laborer working for pennies in a foreign-owned sweatshop that has no obligation to pay U.S. import duties, or obey American labor laws (including minimum wage) yet can still use the label “Made In U.S.A.” Why? Because the factory where the commodity was produced is in the Northern Marianas Islands.
The Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands (CNMI) is a group of islands about 3,500 miles from Hawaii. First conquered by Spain in 1688, the islands were sold to Germany in the nineteenth century. In 1919, Japan invaded and was subsequently awarded a “mandate” by the League of Nations.
The islanders, unhappy with Japanese rule, by-and-large collaborated with American forces during World War II. After a series of bloody battles the Marines seized the Northern Marianas Islands as well as other strategically important gems, such as Guam.
The United States administered CNMI as a “trust” until a plebiscite in 1975, when residents elected to become a US territory. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that much like things are done in the rest of the Empire, those elections were the result of collaboration between mainland and island ruling class interests.
Technically the Northern Marians are U.S. soil, but their territorial status allows them to create their own labor law and immigration regulations. The minimum wage there is currently $3.15 per hour. Local law also permits a “Guest Worker” program where laborers can be imported and work indefinitely without the opportunity to even begin the process of acquiring U.S. citizenship.
Much like the United States, immigrant workers without papers in CNMI are generally poor, exploited and cowed into silence by fear of deportation.
Tariff and tax advantages of the “Made in U.S.A.” label make it desirable for foreign companies (mostly from Asia) to set up manufacturing operations on Saipan and other locations within the territory. The Republican-led government conducts itself with great sympathy toward these firms. Workers live in company dormitories under squalid conditions, and are virtually cut off from the rest of the island’s inhabitants. Rape and forced prostitution are commonplace, as are cases where women workers who are forced to have abortions, according to Rebecca Clarren reporting in MS Magazine.
Immigrant Chinese, Pilipino and Bangladeshi workers must pay their employers for transportation and living expenses, and are not allowed to leave their jobs until they do, according to Clarren.
Workers pay a recruiter as much as $7,000 dollars to get a job and are then required to pay for room and board once they arrive on the island, Clarren reports. Most must work 12-hour days seven days a week, surviving in the most desperate conditions, immigrants getting the worst of it, paid barely half of what the minimum wage is in the United States.
It took a senator from Alaska to write a bill aimed at extending U.S. labor law protection to workers living in the CNMI. Former Sen. Frank Murkowski wrote such a bill only to have Tom Delay run interference for garment manufacturers operating in the island territory, according to Mark Shields, a reporter for CNN.
Delay and his pal Jack Abramoff successfully blocked any Congressional attempts at reform or oversight, according to James Park writing for the AFL-CIO Web log. Delay traveled to CNMI and praised the territory’s governor at a New Years Eve celebration on Saipan in 1998. He reportedly said:
“You are a shining light for what is happening in the Republican Party and you represent everything that is good about what we are trying to do in America leading the world in the free market system.”
Abramoff is now a convicted felon and Delay has resigned from office in disgrace, awaiting prosecution. HR 2 --The Fair Minimum Wage Act Of 2007 -- passed through the House of Representatives and is on its way to the Senate. Thanks to the efforts of Rep. George Miller (D-Martinez), the bill includes an increase in the minimum wage for CNMI workers.
CNMI immigration law must be reformed so that a state of indentured servitude does not exist in the territories. Products from CNMI must be banned from bearing a “Made In U.S.A.” label until the territory lives up to the responsibilities inherent in using that tag.
If the byproducts of Delay’s unfettered “Free Market System” are rape, indentured servitude and exploitation, maybe we should ask: How much human misery is a low-cost designer blouse worth?
Monday, January 15, 2007
Bayonics -- San Francisco's Best Band

THERE ARE many bands that describe themselves by the term "fusion." Most play jazz with a half-assed funk baseline.
It's no accident that a fusion band in the TRUEST sense of the term hails from San Francisco, the city known around the world as a beacon to diversity, creative minds, big hearts.
The Bayonics are not just the best fusion band in the San Francisco Bay Area -- they are the best band, period. Combining salsa, funk, rap, R&B, soul, and jazz with an authentic edge and pulsating groove, the Bayonics are bound to return San Francisco to its glory days as the center of the cultural universe.
In the City's jam-packed clubs, the gritty fusion unleashed by the Bayonics will move you -- ladies bring an extra bra, gents, two shirts cause you're gonna dance your ass off.
Once you've seen a show you'll know this is the nation's next great band.
Check them out at:
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Bush and His Surge:
Beat Your Spears into Plowshares, and Your Hummers Into Surges
By Bob Schildgen
Surge. Bush's spinners hope this marketing device for the Iraq war will rank right up there with Desert Storm, Shock and Awe, and Iron Hammer. What better way to transmit a sense of power and invincibility, evoking a pounding surf, a jolting power spike, a menacing tsunami.
Me, I was sort of confused when I heard "surge" applied to war. In fact, it sounded almost blasphemous, because "surge" resonates differently in my admittedly addled brain than it does in Karl Rove's clean skull. You see, being a proud native of the dairy state of Wisconsin, I know "Surge" as the leading brand of milking machine. And a damn good, reliable machine it was, saving the dairy farmer a lot of labor, and making dairy products cheaper for the consumer. You just hooked up your Surge to the cow's teats, and it pulsated the milk through hoses into the shiny stainless steel Surge bucket, which was shaped more like a fat flying saucer than a bucket. Part of the genius of the Surge was that a strap slung over the cow's back held the bucket so that it hung up near her teats. "Only 4 inches from the teat to the pail," was one of Surge's advertising slogans. Since the bucket swayed naturally from the milk pouring in and the pulsations, it gave the teats a nice tug that duplicated a calf's pulling.
Surge hung there under the cow's belly with a pulsating declaration, "I suck therefore I am." Nobody in the Bush administration has yet made such a claim, though they have clearly earned the right.
Surge is a classic product of what I like best about our country: that we are a land of great genius-tinkerers and gadgeteers, from the famous inventions of Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin to the innovators who created computers and the Internet.
Franklin was our arch-tinkerer, with his stoves and lightening rods and bifocals and other gadgets, and you can be sure that he would have greatly admired the practicality of the milking machine, saluting it as a wonderful hallmark of our famous Yankee ingenuity. He did, as you may or may not recall, famously prefer the turkey to the eagle as the national bird. "For my own part," he wrote to his daughter, "I wish the Bald Eagle had not been chosen the Representative of our Country. He is a Bird of bad moral Character. . . . the Turkey is in Comparison a much more respectable Bird, and withal a true original Native of America . . . He is besides, though a little vain & silly, a Bird of Courage, and would not hesitate to attack a Grenadier of the British Guards who should presume to invade his Farm Yard with a red Coat on."
Note also that while turkey doesn't look as ferocious as the eagle and doesn't do spectacular aerial stunts, he'll give you a fight you tread on his turf.
Fortunately, we're still a land of brilliant gadgeteers, turkey folks, but for too long we've misplaced that ingenuity, channeling it to the rapacious eagles instead of the productive, dependable turkeys. The Iraq war is such a staggering example of this that it's amazing there hasn't been more of an outcry about this glaring aspect of its madness.
We've already spent more than $200 billion on the war in Iraq, and another $110 billion is projected for this year. (The ACTUAL cost will come in closer to $2 TRILLION, according to estimates by Nobel prize-winning economist and former World Bank vice president Joseph Stiglitz. This because we will be paying lifetime disability and medical care for at least 16,000 wounded soldiers, not to mention costs for reconstruction, rebuilding the depleted military, higher oil prices, and other losses to the economy.)
The ironies make your head spin. Remember how Donald Rumsfeld argued that with our unmatched military technology—our brilliant gadgeteering and Yankee ingenuity--we could win the Iraq war without relying on nearly the concentration of conventional troops as in past conflicts? His was more an efficient, technological war, won in Silicon Valley rather than the Valley of Armageddon, foreshadowed by the "smart bombs" of the first Iraq war. Yet this refreshingly less labor-intensive war will now cost us billions to repair the suffering laborers.
The most staggering irony of all is environmental. Starting in the 1970s, environmentalists begged and pleaded for the development of clean, sustainable alternative energy to replace fossil fuels. Yet here we are, 30 years later mired in a war whose principle motive is--oil.
Imagine for a moment what could be done with that $300 billion wasted in Iraq by the end of this year. Imagine the research and development of energy sources, the construction of alternatives from windmills to solar panels to mass transit systems to hyper-efficient cars to humbler but very effective energy-saving efforts like insulating houses and installing fluorescent light bulbs.
Did I say $300 billion? Well, that just happens to be the amount proposed by the Apollo Alliance to develop and build new energy sources over the next 10 years. Most people haven’t even heard of the Apollo Alliance (named after Project Apollo, the immense technological effort that enabled us to land on the moon), partly because we've been so preoccupied with war and war on terror and, of course, celebrities and gay marriage and sports hormones and whatever it was that Britney Spears recently didn't say.
The Apollo Alliance is a coalition of environmentalists and labor leaders, like the Sierra Club's gutsy leader, Carl Pope, and Leo Gerard, the head of the United Steelworkers of America who has fought hard to stop decline of our manufacturing sector.
It's a "blue-green" group (blue collar-greenies), one that disproves all the anti-enviro propaganda about how environmentalism takes away people's jobs. The Apollo Alliance has a clear (almost no-brainer) program showing how development of new energy sources can create millions of jobs. It would unleash our innovative powers and our work ethic on a project that would help everybody prosper. All Democrats, whose most stalwart backers are environmentalists and unions, ought to be rallying around the Apollo Alliance, legislating its proposals into action, and weaning us from oil.
Wean? Well, Bush's insane Surge won't get us off the oil teat, but a new Apollo project would be the moral equivalent of the good old Surge milking machine, creating instead of destroying, and giving us some good old-fashioned Ben Franklin kicks.
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Gerald Ford Dances Around James Brown
By J. P. Bone
The news about Gerald Ford's passing eclipsed a far more important figure in U.S. history, and that of course is James Brown, who slipped away the day before the man whose greatest legacy was to pardon the arch criminal Richard M. Nixon.
James Brown created a new musical form, one performed with verve and inexhaustible energy as he drove fans to the brink of ecstasy. Gerald Ford sang karaoke versions of Nixon's greatest hits and rubbed elbows with the rich and powerful with the same guiltless pleasure as a man under the influence of a tab of ecstasy.
James Brown had guts, stamina, felt a debt of gratitude to his fans and never forgot where he came from. Gerald Ford was a putz, a living example of the Peter Principle. His greatest achievement was to withdraw U.S. troops from a horrific war of aggression that he supported in Vietnam.
James Brown served time in the joint for drug and alcohol abuse despite his generous contributions to poor neighborhoods and an endless commitment to community service. Gerald Ford's wife, Betty, was lauded as a shining example of honesty when she required treatment for drug and alcohol abuse. Betty Ford later used her social and political connections to develop an upscale clinic for individuals who, if not for their class privilege, would have done time for THEIR addictions and indiscretions.
We have James Brown to thank for introducing us to funk -- not to mention an incredible string of tremendous hits such as "Prisoner of Love," "Think," and "Mother Popcorn." We have Gerald Ford to thank for introducing us to the world of bunk, hit-men such as Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney, and the secret prisons they established, not to mention THEIR tour de force, "The Mother of All Wars."
Now the people must endure the depraved spectacle of politicians and their masters mourning a man touted as "the leader who gently led the United States out of the tumultuous Watergate era." In truth Ford set the stage for another generation of politicians who could get away with crimes that would send any poor or working person to prison or the gallows.
Fox News and other State Department journalists praise Ford for being the "same man" after leaving the presidency that he was when he took that office after Nixon's shameful resignation. He was indeed the same man, having perfected cover-ups and miscarriages of justice during his tenure on the Warren Commission -- the official "investigative board" that claimed only one man assassinated John F. Kennedy despite video proof to the contrary.
That heinous betrayal of justice provided reassurance for Johnson, Nixon, Ronald the Terrible, King George I, William the Fornicator, and King George II. In fact it was Ford's "courage" to pardon Nixon that assured Ronald Reagan, Oliver North and other drug dealers they could traffic cocaine in their efforts to fund the Contras in Nicaragua and even when caught "red handed" not pay a price for their crimes. Ultimately Ford's pardon of Nixon give George II the sense that no crime, no matter how grave, would be prosecuted by the U.S. Congress.
Let us all mourn the passing of James Brown, a great American hero, Soul Brother Number One, and dismiss all the hullabaloo about Gerald Ford, Nixon's lap dog and the Grandfather of Blow.
Monday, January 1, 2007
Gerald Ford's Legacy: Banality and Violence
By Bob Schildgen
He was a humble, simple, plain-spoken Midwesterner who courageously pardoned Richard Nixon and healed America's wounds in the wake of Watergate and Vietnam.
Yes indeed, and this is precisely what was most horribly wrong with the man. What the "courageous" pardon of Nixon actually achieved was to amplify a cynicism about politics that proclaims "they're all crooks in cahoots, so why vote?" The Nixon pardon also paved the way for other questionable pardons, like George Bush's pardon of Caspar Weinberger and others of their crimes in the Iran Contra scandal.
Healing and reconciliation were the last thing our country really needed after Watergate and Vietnam. We would've been better off allowing the wounds to fester awhile and engaging in sharper self-criticism and more vigorous debate about our military role. Instead, the forgiving and forgetting made it easier to remilitarize our culture, which led to Ronald Reagan's reckless military spending, renewed zeal for policing the world, and, ultimately, to the Iraq war.
As for Ford's plain-spoken Midwestern humility: We Americans are suckers for it, partly because of a populist suspicion of urban sophistication (which explains all those nasty campaign remarks about elitist cigar-smoking New England liberals and latté-sipping San Franciscans.) Also, simple plain-spokenness appeals to our anti-intellectualism and log-cabin myths about humble roots, while its bland tone comforts those who live in denial of real problems that are worth making noise about. Add all this up, and we find refuge in the very ordinariness of a man like Ford--infatuated with our own banality.
Yet this humble, simple, ordinariness can serve as a perfect cover for all sorts of complicated and wicked intentions. To understand how it works, recall the belief that Ford was both clumsy and stupid. Of course nothing could have been further from the truth. The man made the national college football all-stars and played on two national-championship teams, back in the days when men were men and did both offense and defense. After excelling in sports he went on to get a law degree from Yale--hardly legitimate credentials for a clumsy dolt, and unmatched by almost all presidents. Ford shrewdly played along with such popular nonsense, even dispatching his press secretary Ron Nessen to participate in a silly skit full of bumbling-Ford jokes on Saturday Night Live.
The real joke was on us. It helped us forget or ignore Ford's actual politics. He was a hawk who promoted the Vietnam war, advocating the waste of more lives and money on that adventure than Lyndon Johnson himself. Ford opposed federal aid to education, voted to weaken unions, and fought against minimum wage increases, while dutifully advanced big business interests. He did vote for the Civil Rights Act, only to waffle and back Nixon's attempts to weaken it. In other words, the humble plain-spoken populist did very little for humble plain-spoken people.
In addition to pardoning Nixon, he advanced the careers of numerous hardline militarists, including Dick Cheney his chief of staff and Donald Rumsfeld his secretary of defense. Some commentators have even noted that today's foreign policy is his legacy.
Ford wasn't just a pioneer in pardons. He also tinkered with the impeachment process, which reached its peak absurdity with the Republicans' politically motivated attack on Bill Clinton. While in Congress in 1970, Ford led an attempt to impeach liberal Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, obviously motivated by political revenge. Indulging in the divisive partisan politics he's credited with avoiding, Ford went after Douglas to strike back at the Democrats for rejecting two of Nixon's Supreme Court nominees. He also wanted to whack Douglas because the justice had ruled against the Nixon administration on some key issues, most notably the right of the news media to release the Pentagon Papers, which played a major role in building opposition to the Vietnam war. (Some rather scary heirs of such tactics are conservatives like ex-Senator Rick Santorum and ex-House Majority Leader Tom Delay who openly advocate judicial impeachment, not to mention the influential Phyllis Schafly, who has found "good ground of impeachment" of Supreme Court judge Anthony Kennedy because of his ruling against capital punishment for juveniles.)
Now that Ford is dead, we're finding out more about how useful his mask was, and how Pentagon Papers weren't the only things the plain-spoken man was into concealing. In an interview with Bob Woodward in 2004, Ford said that the Bush administration had made a big mistake in justifying the war with Iraq. Unfortunately, Ford required suppression of his critical remarks until he was dead. The solid team player was only loyal enough to the team to refrain from criticizing it while he was alive, apparently not wanting to suffer through denouncement by Bush's people. The only other explanation for his restriction is that Ford thought he'd live forever, and thereby keep his heretical musings secret.
On top of this, it now looks like even the "courageous" pardon of Nixon was as much about doglike love and loyalty to Tricky Dick as it was about healing. "I didn't want my real friend to have the stigma," Ford explains as a motive for the pardon.
So it turns out that the guy was a whole lot more complicated than we thought, and not nearly as nice as we thought, or too nice, or nice for the wrong reasons. Maybe being abandoned by his father had some sort of profound traumatic effect, but let's leave this to the shrinks and psychohistorians to ponder.
Border Fence: An Environmental Disaster on Top of a $49 Billion Boondoggle
By Bob Schildgen
The 700-mile-long fence that a bunch of U.S. congressmen want to build along border with Mexico could be one of the biggest boondoggles in our history. New estimates by the Congressional Research Service put the actual cost at $49 billion.
We were first told that it would cost $3 million a mile, or $2.1 billion, already an outrageous waste of money. Well, it turns out that the original estimate didn't include the cost of buying up private lands along the border where it would be built, or the cost of maintaining it for 25 years, or the additional cost that could be incurred if private contractors build it. Aside from this, we all know how often these mega-projects have cost overruns. It turns out that a 14-mile stretch already being built near San Diego is already costing $9 million a mile.
The environmental impacts of the proposed fence are as dreadful as this shamelss the waste of money. The fence will do a huge amount off damage to habitat and block the natural migrations of many animals.
But, you might ask, surely such a structure would be subject to strict environmental standards, just like any major building project in our country? The answer is a resounding NO, thanks to the fact that Congress passed a law allows for a waiver of environmental protections in matters related to Homeland Security. Yes, it's the law: when it comes to decisions made by Homeland Security, the government does not have to follow its own rules. The Sierra Club and the Audubon Society learned this when they sued to stop just 3.5 miles of the barrier from being built near San Diego because of its serious threat to species in the region and possible damage to the Tijuana River estuary. (Since it was too difficult to construct a fence on this stretch, the "fence" would be created by moving massive amounts of earth to form a geographical obstacle) U.S. district court judge, Larry Burns ruled against the environmental groups, citing the exemption handed to Homeland Security by Congress.
So now, the economic and environmental cost should be made loud and clear--on top of the other compelling arguments against this stupefyingly ridiculous project: namely that it is racist and an insult to Mexico; that many individual citizens and businesses on the U.S. side of the border don't want it; that it won't work because there are so many other ways to enter the country. Any terrorist with brains enough to do serious damage can sneak in at thousands of other points, or like most of the terrorists who highjacked the planes in the 9/11 mass murders, get in legally with visas.
Of course, since everybody knows that the main purpose of the fence is to keep illegal immigrants out, one wonders why Homeland Security should even have a say in the matter. One also wonders many other projects will bulldozers drive through loopholes in environmental laws in the name Homeland Security? Almost anything, from a freeway through a wildlife refuge to a dam on a river do a Wal Mart parking lot can be spun into some sort of Homeland Security issue. Don't you laugh here: Parking lots should be more spacious so that customers can get the hell out quick in the event of a bomb threat.
But really, if we're going to spend $49 billion to keep Mexicans out, why not just buy Mexicans out. We could give each illegal $10,000 on the condition that he or she stays home, and pay off 5 MILLION people. Imagine too, what a shot in the arm that would be for the Mexican economy, which would automatically slow immigration, it being obvious that a major reason Mexicans migrate is their woebegotten economy.
Or maybe we should spend the money, and build the fence in a big circle in one of the most desolate parts of Texas, and pen in all the crooked right-wing politicians and civilian warmongers, give them all the weapons and military toys they want, and let them play war to their heart's content. This is such a viable proposal that I already have a name: Operation Sandbox.
America Remains Very Much the Same, and More so
By Bob Schildgen
"America will never be the same." Of all the stupid solemn remarks uttered after 9/11, this one was the most moronic—not to mention the most flat out wrong. In fact, America became MORE what it was. More paranoid, more militaristic, more racist, and more willing to meddle in the rest of the world--in the deplorable tradition of American imperialism.
Because we became more of what we were, with our cold-war-style paranoia rekindled, a new hatred of Arabs satisfying our appetite for bigotry, and militarist ambitions to carry a big stick rekindled, we tore into Iraq with shock and awe. Well, we no longer speak silently while wielding the proverbial big stick. We make a lot of noise, professional PR geniuses spin it, pundits blather endlessly about it, and officials howl "Mission Accomplished" at the top of their lungs before the dust is settled. The only thing the Bush government has been able to keep quiet about is torture, illegal imprisonment, and crooked contracts to pay its friends to "rebuild" Iraq.
The war is outward expression of our belligerent fear. The proposed project for a fence on the Mexican border (see "Border Fence) is its at-home equivalent.
There are so many symptoms of fear on so many levels I find it almost impossible to describe. But a friend of mine seems to have captured a frightening amount of fear in a recent poem. Not only is he an unheralded poet, but he wishes to remain unheralded, and, yes, anonymous because he still fears that he isn't as afraid as he should be. Despite the catalog of fearful threats in the poem, he still fears that Homeland Security might disapprove of his unpatriotic lack of fear. "These days," he says, "to be afraid is to be a loyal American. President Bush knows that without a reliable level of wholesome fear we would fail to go to war abroad and fail to protect our families at home. I know there's got to be more to be afraid of and to defend ourselves from than what I've written down in this poem," he says. "But this is the best I could do. Pray that it will help us wake up and defend ourselves."
Defend Defend Defend Defend
Defend defend defend defend
defend until the very end
defend your friend defend your foe.
defend your TV's right to know
defend your sweat-shop running-shoe
defend yourself from Dubya too
defend your right to bear your arm
defend your burglar alarm
defend your lawn defend its mower
defend your leaves defend their blower
defend your rocket's rocket science
defend your every last appliance
from terrorist attack and then
defend them staunchly once again
defend your fleet of SUVs
from serious contingencies
and while you're at it bold erect
defend defenses to protect
your FBI and CIA
defending the American way
defend your national anthem proud
defend it when you sing it loud,
defend your defensive linemen too
defend them till you're red white blue,
defend yourself and watch my back
you never know when they'll attack
defend from covert Arab bombs
conspiring with welfare moms
to deprive you of your hard-
earned platinum credit card
defend our telegenic war
defend the right to fight some more
defend our burgers and our fries
defend them without alibis
defend your sacred Christian right
to download God from Falwell's site
defend your temporary alliance
to secure permanent compliance
with covert interrogations done
by an agent with a loaded gun
there is no need to be afraid
of foreign or domestic raid
with weapons loaded, ready, aim
defend your honor and your name
defend Colombia and Peru
and Bangalore and Xanadu
defend our mountain majesty
from homeland insecurity
defend above our fruited plain
defend your bombs from crack cocaine
defend your holy war on drugs
from anthrax-breeding foreign thugs
defend your permanent war on terror
defend your testicles by the pair or
defend them boldly one by one
defend them with great fearful fun
defend collateral contraband
on damaged strips of holy land
if thoughts of nerve gas make you nervous
defend your right to armored service
defend from heroin from Iraq
smuggled in a sneak attack
inside weapons of mass destruction
defend your oil from foreign suction
defend your right to fight Iran
for pipelines through Georgebushistan
to North Korea and from there
to every country anywhere
defend us from that evil axis
defend from death defend from taxes
defend us from Eritrea
and foreign strains of gonnorhea
concocted deep in secret caves
by hidden nuclear warfare slaves
defend from germs covertly spreadin'
across the plain of Armageddon
defend defend defend defend
defend until the final end
"America will never be the same." Of all the stupid solemn remarks uttered after 9/11, this one was the most moronic—not to mention the most flat out wrong. In fact, America became MORE what it was. More paranoid, more militaristic, more racist, and more willing to meddle in the rest of the world--in the deplorable tradition of American imperialism.
Because we became more of what we were, with our cold-war-style paranoia rekindled, a new hatred of Arabs satisfying our appetite for bigotry, and militarist ambitions to carry a big stick rekindled, we tore into Iraq with shock and awe. Well, we no longer speak silently while wielding the proverbial big stick. We make a lot of noise, professional PR geniuses spin it, pundits blather endlessly about it, and officials howl "Mission Accomplished" at the top of their lungs before the dust is settled. The only thing the Bush government has been able to keep quiet about is torture, illegal imprisonment, and crooked contracts to pay its friends to "rebuild" Iraq.
The war is outward expression of our belligerent fear. The proposed project for a fence on the Mexican border (see "Border Fence) is its at-home equivalent.
There are so many symptoms of fear on so many levels I find it almost impossible to describe. But a friend of mine seems to have captured a frightening amount of fear in a recent poem. Not only is he an unheralded poet, but he wishes to remain unheralded, and, yes, anonymous because he still fears that he isn't as afraid as he should be. Despite the catalog of fearful threats in the poem, he still fears that Homeland Security might disapprove of his unpatriotic lack of fear. "These days," he says, "to be afraid is to be a loyal American. President Bush knows that without a reliable level of wholesome fear we would fail to go to war abroad and fail to protect our families at home. I know there's got to be more to be afraid of and to defend ourselves from than what I've written down in this poem," he says. "But this is the best I could do. Pray that it will help us wake up and defend ourselves."
Defend Defend Defend Defend
Defend defend defend defend
defend until the very end
defend your friend defend your foe.
defend your TV's right to know
defend your sweat-shop running-shoe
defend yourself from Dubya too
defend your right to bear your arm
defend your burglar alarm
defend your lawn defend its mower
defend your leaves defend their blower
defend your rocket's rocket science
defend your every last appliance
from terrorist attack and then
defend them staunchly once again
defend your fleet of SUVs
from serious contingencies
and while you're at it bold erect
defend defenses to protect
your FBI and CIA
defending the American way
defend your national anthem proud
defend it when you sing it loud,
defend your defensive linemen too
defend them till you're red white blue,
defend yourself and watch my back
you never know when they'll attack
defend from covert Arab bombs
conspiring with welfare moms
to deprive you of your hard-
earned platinum credit card
defend our telegenic war
defend the right to fight some more
defend our burgers and our fries
defend them without alibis
defend your sacred Christian right
to download God from Falwell's site
defend your temporary alliance
to secure permanent compliance
with covert interrogations done
by an agent with a loaded gun
there is no need to be afraid
of foreign or domestic raid
with weapons loaded, ready, aim
defend your honor and your name
defend Colombia and Peru
and Bangalore and Xanadu
defend our mountain majesty
from homeland insecurity
defend above our fruited plain
defend your bombs from crack cocaine
defend your holy war on drugs
from anthrax-breeding foreign thugs
defend your permanent war on terror
defend your testicles by the pair or
defend them boldly one by one
defend them with great fearful fun
defend collateral contraband
on damaged strips of holy land
if thoughts of nerve gas make you nervous
defend your right to armored service
defend from heroin from Iraq
smuggled in a sneak attack
inside weapons of mass destruction
defend your oil from foreign suction
defend your right to fight Iran
for pipelines through Georgebushistan
to North Korea and from there
to every country anywhere
defend us from that evil axis
defend from death defend from taxes
defend us from Eritrea
and foreign strains of gonnorhea
concocted deep in secret caves
by hidden nuclear warfare slaves
defend from germs covertly spreadin'
across the plain of Armageddon
defend defend defend defend
defend until the final end
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